"EU support for buildings’ energy performance assessment and certification"
Patrik Kolar, Head of Department B (LIFE and Horizon 2020 Energy, Environment, Resources) at the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) in Brussels.
Patrik Kolar, Head of Department B (LIFE and Horizon 2020 Energy, Environment, Resources) at the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) in Brussels.
“How to close the gap between calculated and actual energy consumption of building – re-commissioning instead of certification?”
Boris Sučić, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Boris Sučić, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
“SEMANCO: semantic data integration and urban energy models”
Álvaro Sicilia, ARC Engineering and Architecture La Salle, Barcelona, Spain.
Álvaro Sicilia, ARC Engineering and Architecture La Salle, Barcelona, Spain.
“DIMMER: Extending BIM at district level with DIM for energy saving”
Matteo Del Giudice, Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
Matteo Del Giudice, Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
“OPTEEMAL: enhancing BIM models with semantic web technologies to plan building retrofitting at district scale”
Gonçal Costa, ARC Engineering and Architecture La Salle, Barcelona, Spain.
Gonçal Costa, ARC Engineering and Architecture La Salle, Barcelona, Spain.
“ENCORE: the concept of energy aware BIM cloud platform in a cost-effective building renovation context”
Aitor Elorriaga, Institut für Angewandte Systemtechnik Bremen, Germany.
Aitor Elorriaga, Institut für Angewandte Systemtechnik Bremen, Germany.
“Progressive use of BIM for holistic energy renovation of office buildings”
Gašper Stegnar, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Gašper Stegnar, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
“BIM integration of the energy certification of buildings”
Benjamín González, CYPE Ingenieros, S.A., Alicante, Spain.
Benjamín González, CYPE Ingenieros, S.A., Alicante, Spain.
“Data-driven housing renovation investment planning”
Giulia Rinaldi, Bax & Company, Barcelona, Spain.
Giulia Rinaldi, Bax & Company, Barcelona, Spain.
“ICTA-ICP: energy performance and operation assessment by means of a BMS”
Jordina Vidal, Oriol Vidal Enginyeria, Barcelona, Spain.
Jordina Vidal, Oriol Vidal Enginyeria, Barcelona, Spain.
"Interreg Central Europe and energy efficiency challenges"
Matija Vajdic, Joint Secretariat, Interreg Central Europe Programme, Vienna, Austria.
Matija Vajdic, Joint Secretariat, Interreg Central Europe Programme, Vienna, Austria.
“Energy demand response - novel service models based on building energy data”
Rolf Bastiaanssen, Bax & Company, Barcelona, Spain.
Rolf Bastiaanssen, Bax & Company, Barcelona, Spain.
“Enhancing building energy certificates by analysing data stored in the public register of Catalonia”
Lluís Morer, Catalan Institute for Energy (ICAEN), Barcelona, Spain.
Lluís Morer, Catalan Institute for Energy (ICAEN), Barcelona, Spain.
“Using data to build the market for low carbon renovation in buildings: the evolving data-driven services of energy agencies in providing publicly-funded advice on energetic renovation of buildings”
David Weatherall, Head of Policy at the Energy Saving Trust, UK.
David Weatherall, Head of Policy at the Energy Saving Trust, UK.
“ENERFUND: ENErgy Retrofit FUNDing rating tool, lessons learned and future challenges”
Jure Čižman, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Jure Čižman, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
“ENERPAT/ENERHAT: integrating energy certificates with other data sources to foster building retrofitting”
Leandro Madrazo, ARC Engineering and Architecture La Salle, Barcelona, Spain.
Leandro Madrazo, ARC Engineering and Architecture La Salle, Barcelona, Spain.
"Cost Effective BIPV Design Optimization Methodology"
Jordi Macià, EURECAT Technology Centre of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain.
Jordi Macià, EURECAT Technology Centre of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain.
“REVALUE: integrating energy efficiency data in building valuation protocols”
Christian Riester, Bax & Company, Barcelona, Spain.
Christian Riester, Bax & Company, Barcelona, Spain.
“About building's flexibility and grid interaction”
Maria Marques, FCT/UNL & UNINOVA-CTS, Lisbon, Portugal.
Maria Marques, FCT/UNL & UNINOVA-CTS, Lisbon, Portugal.
Future perspective of TIMEPAC series and closing speech
Boris Sučić, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia.
Boris Sučić, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia.